We are delighted to be kicking off our very first Wessex RFCA networking event with Social Media experts Introtweet. They will be delivering the event titled “Our Introtweet Social Media top tips to start 2021 with a bang! ” and focusing on how to make the very best out of your Social Media for the year.
Founded in 2013 , Introtweet has established an enviable reputation for providing social media training and management services to a diverse range of businesses from small local firms to large international companies. They specialise in Social Media Management, 1-1 Social Media Training through to on-line Social Media training and much much more! So if you want to ensure you and your team stay up to date with the latest Social Media developments, join us on Thursday 18th March at 12pm for a free and unique opportunity to gather valuable insight and information from the experts!
Please click on the link to register and a Zoom ink will be sent to you. If you have any questions, please contact Sally Pembery on wx-events@rfca.mod-uk