Bristol Cadets Honoured as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets


On Thursday evening, four outstanding cadets from Bristol were formally invested as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets for The City and County of Bristol in a ceremony held at HMS Flying Fox. This prestigious appointment recognises their exceptional dedication, leadership, and contributions to their units and communities.

Cadet Corporal Harley Moore has shown exceptional leadership in the Collegiate School Combined Cadet Force over five years, guiding younger cadets and conducting training sessions with his instructional qualification. Cadet Sergeant Kyle Metcalfe has demonstrated unwavering commitment to both the Collegiate CCF and the Bristol Army Cadet Force, actively developing his skills and supporting adult volunteers in training organisation.

Cadet Serjeant Jessica Alley has made significant contributions during her three years in the Army Cadet Force, attending all ‘A’ Company camps and participating in Remembrance Day parades and charity events. Petty Officer Cadet Sean Hobson exemplifies leadership in sailing, having earned his Watch Leader qualification and successfully navigating a challenging 10-day expedition around Scotland.
The newly appointed Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets will assist the Lord Lieutenant of Bristol at official engagements throughout the year, proudly serving as ambassadors for the Cadet Forces. Their appointment not only highlights their personal achievements but also the core values of teamwork and community service inherent in the Cadet movement.

During the ceremony, the Lord Lieutenant also presented Lord-Lieutenant’s Certificates for Meritorious Service and Cadet Forces Medals and Clasps to several individuals who have gone above and beyond in mentoring and supporting young people and instilling in them the values of the Cadet Forces. This recognition underscores the significant impact that dedicated adults have on the development of future leaders.

Reserve Forces