RAF Reservist Wins RAF Supplier of the Year


On 11 June 2024 Part Time Volunteer Reservist Corporal Chelsie Piddington was awarded the prestigious RAF Supplier of the Year award at the RAF Logistics Profession Awards at MOD Worthy Down.

Corporal Piddington, a member of No.505 (Wessex) Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force, faced stiff competition from Regular RAF colleagues and was judged to have been the Logistics Supplier who has made the most significant contribution to the delivery of logistics support to Air or wider Defence activity.

Across successful back-to-back mobilisations supporting operations in Cyprus, Germany and at home in the UK, she consistently sought to improve process, saving time and money, and consistently operated at a level beyond her Regular and Reservist peers.

505 Squadron is a General Support Squadron providing trained Reservists in a variety of roles to support the Royal Air Force.

The squadron has vacancies and is actively recruiting direct entrants with no military experience, ex-regulars from any service and those with skills directly transferable from civilian life.

Reserve Forces